Monday 2 November 2015

Sectarianism- A fault line

It is very unfortunate that almost every month, we perceive the news regarding the sectarian conflicts in the valley.  There can nothing be as alarming and threatening to the nation as sectarian conflicts because it’s a kind of conflict which involves less head and more emotion, and victory to the enemy and defeat to our own values. Religious ideas are very much available now in every market of Kashmir. Its peers have left no stone unturned to sell them at cheap costs to the closed minds. Muslim mind has also closed the intelligence gate long back and went back to the tortoise shell. The only attractive and impressive feature of Islam left was the mass congregation in the mosques, where men could fasten together the shoulders of each other before Allah and show unity. Now since many ideas have fastened their grip in the minds of youth and elders, this unity felt a setback, due to the various differences in the name of Islamic Jurisprudence. Different schools of thought emerged in Islamic civilization which is the characteristic of Islamic diversity and an example of it being a universal religion. These schools of thought were important for the development of Islamic law and their application in different times, locations and among different cultures stipulated the diverse thoughts of Islam. But the scholars who created such different legal opinions, sometimes opposite to one another, had an intention based on the prosperity and development of Islamic civilization. It was an exercise of knowledge learned through burning the midnight oil and a rigorous accountability. This reflects through the Imams of four schools of thought when we study them as founders of these respective schools of thought.
But the schools of thought have played a very unconstructive role in Kashmir. I have been witnessing the construction of number of mosques for the most part because of indifferences for the men of other school of thought. Even sometimes men of similar thought gnaw each other to command power in a mosque. The places of worship have thus turned into areas of contention. Youth who follow the congregations of clergy, ponder less and follow blindly, turn very unproductive for the maintenance of ethic in our society. They appear very good apparently and are very healthy in creating moral values but they fail to adopt ‘other’. The essence of Islam which lies in brotherhood and tolerance does not reflect from our religious schools or congregations. This is a very serious question mark on our religious preachers. Religious preachers must be asked this question that if they have produced a good number of men with long beards and women draped in veil; why have they failed in creating tolerant youth? Why is youth of Kashmir so intolerant in listening to other school of thought?
This issue should not be taken lightly because enemy sees the future battle lines and fault lines and history testifies that religion is always vulnerable, misused for vested interests. I wish to see Kashmir prosperous and happy. I don’t want to see bombs exploding in mosques. The debate of ‘keeping the trousers above your ankle’ should not make us like Iraq were ankles disappear in bombs exploding in the holy places. We as a youth of this nation must open our intellect and see into Islam by ourselves. We all have a degree of intelligence to understand the Islam. Let’s not fall into the trap of false preaching. Let Kashmir not explode in the name of religion. In this context law must get involved to check were Kashmir is brewing up on religious lines. Political and religious leaders should address the differences among the people. Strong religious training must be incorporated among the youth. Various seminars of peace and dialogue should be conducted.  
Let’s save something good for our next generation. This is sending bad signals about our religion to the next generation. This is making them vulnerable to agnosticism and atheism when they see so much scuffle and mess in their own set up.
Nazar Ul Islam Wani (Junior Research Fellow- Department of Islamic Studies) University of Kashmir.